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JEE Mains May 2021 Postponed

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Not only the working professionals but the students studying in schools/colleges are getting into the dilemma due to Covid-19. While the latest news is coming up from the desk of National Testing Agency (NTA) that DU is postponing its Final Year Exams, and also suspending online classes till 16th of May.

Table of contents:

  • Overview about JEE Mains
  • Postponed News
  • Reviews by Parents and Students
  • How to get Registered for the next Session of JEE Mains
  • Documents Needed
  • Colleges accepting JEE Mains Results

Overview about JEE Mains:

JEE Mains, an Entrance Exam that a student needs to pass to get admission into top engineering colleges. It is considered one of the toughest exams in India. JEE Mains is conducted by the National Testing Agency, commonly called NTA.

Postponed News: JEE Mains May Postponed Update

This exam is being rescheduled for the 4th time, making parents and students fumed and confused. Amid the cases of Covid-19 are at their peak, the exam is being postponed again and again.

Originally, the exam was supposed to be in the last week of April, while it was delayed at the month of May, and now it is postponed again, dates of which will be announced soon.

Earlier, NTA announced that JEE Mains will be held in four sessions and students will get the choice to pick the highest score.

The total number of registered students for the exams was around 20 lakhs, out of which only 12 lakh aspirants have appeared yet, and many have not attempted the exam, due to the ongoing situation. Around 6.2 lakh appeared during the first session in February, while around 5.5 lakh students appeared in March.

Reviews by Parents and Students:

Education Minister on Twitter says, “Looking at the present situation of COVID-19 and keeping students’ safety in mind, JEE (Mains) – May 2021 session has been postponed. Students are advised to keep visiting the official website of NTA for further updates”.

Parents of a JEE Aspirants says, ” Despite of Conducting the exam Online, delaying the exam is making students and teachers tensed and making the situation worse for students, who consider this their most important year academically,”

Many Aspirants and their family Members seem disappointed with the decision to re-scheduling the exam and making it tougher for the student to study and focus.

How to get Registered for the next Session of JEE Mains:

Around 20 lakh students have already enrolled for the JEE Mains exam, while many of them were not able to appear and attempt the exam.

If you have still not applied for the exam, you can complete the process application for the next phase. Candidates belongs to reserved categories such as EWS/ SC/ ST/ OBC NCL will have to upload the category certificate while filling the form.

The exam scheduled to conduct in four phases, i.e., February, March, April, and May. The Phase 4 exam of JEE Mains 2021, will be announced soon on the official website of NTA.

Documents needed: Application form for 4th Phase.

Qualification Details (such as Class 10th Roll Number/ Intermediate or class 12th Details – stream, course, etc)
Scanned copy of passport size photograph
Scanned copy of Signature
A valid e-mail Id
A valid mobile number

College Accepting JEE Mains Results

Generally, engineering colleges give admissions based on JEE Advanced (which a student can give only after passing JEE Mains), while some colleges also grant admission based on JEE Mains.

Here’s a list of a few:

Punjab University
Amity University
All NITs.

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